7 Sneaky Celebrity Skincare Tips

Sure, stars can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on the latest moisturizer, but they also have some easy-to-follow rules when it comes to skincare.

There's a great scene in Entourage where an agent asks the gorgeous Vinnie Chase if he had time to read some Victorian-era script last night. "Reading?" he scoffs. "It takes so much time away from skin care."

While it’s a funny line, it also has a ring of truth to it. Stars know everything about skin care because it's their job to have flawless mugs on the big screen. And now it's our job to steal as many tips as possible, so we have their dewy, youthful glow, line-free kissers and can attract men who look like Johnny Depp. Well, the latter might only happen in your dreams, but that doesn't mean you should slack off on your skin. By the way, the first celeb skincare tip is to drink water. We've heard it so many times, and it's so darn boring, but it's true. So please grab a glass while you read yourself beautiful.

1. Stars really do cheap out. So much for buying all those pricey brands. Jennifer Aniston swears, "Most nights I just use Neutrogena soap. It's perfect for my skin." Celebs know that it's not about labels, but what works when it comes to cleansers. Queen Latifah insists, "I've been washing my face with baking soda for years. It's not harsh on the skin and gives me a glow."

2. They do it themselves. Molly Sims tells us that to exfoliate, she makes her own concoction. "I mix honey and moisturizer and put it all over my face. It's a great exfoliant. I leave it on a few minutes and then wash it off." Many top Hollywood dermatologists and facialists insist that natural and simple is the way to go. They love dry oatmeal as a natural scrub and a simple egg white mask (leave it on 10 minutes and then wash) as a pore-tightener. If you want brighter skin then just mash a fresh peach, leave it on your face for 10 minutes and then wash it off.

3. They really do use sunscreen like it's a life-or-death situation. We know skin care experts have been harping on it for years, but sunscreen is one of your most important defenses against looking like crumpled wrapping paper. Rain or shine, you should slather it on as the last piece of your skin care regime. Just remember to wash it off when you call it a day so your pores don't get clogged.

4. Celebs know that no matter how exhausted they are, the bathroom sink is their best friend. Repeat after us: You can never, ever, ever go to sleep without first washing your face. "There are nights when I'm tired or busy with my daughter, but I do force myself to wash up and moisturize," says Jessica Alba. In other words, don't get into the habit of sleeping with your makeup. This includes mascara because your lashes will break off if you sleep with a layer of black goop on them.

5. They clean their cell phones. Here's a gross-you-out fact: Your cell phone is a bacteria farm because you spend all day pressing your face to the pad. The dirt and oil in your face embeds itself on the keypad and then you smash that against your face. Once a week, take a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad (not dripping or you'll break your phone) and disinfect.

6. They remember there is skin on the rest of their bodies. Molly Sims says, "Buy a body brush and dry brush your entire body. Do this before you get in the bath or shower. It's a way to detox and helps with circulation." You don't need to buy an expensive body brush and can find great ones at Walmart or Target. Think of this as a way to exfoliate your entire body and even break up cellulite before it becomes one with you.

7. Celebs don't grow science experiments in their bathroom. Top Hollywood skin pros advise you to stock up on as many washcloths as you can. The rule is you pat your face off ONCE with the washcloth and then toss it in the laundry, wash and dry. When you pat and then leave it on the counter or towel rack, the thing grows a virtual seventh-grade science experiment of bacteria… then you re-wet it... and ewwww, you're putting bacteria into your pores. Not that this author advocates “borrowing” wash cloths from posh hotels, but it's nice of the Four Season to have stocked her bathroom with their... good wishes. (The perks of doing press junkets!)

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Dr. Oz's Anti Aging Plan – Five Ways to Stay Young

On Oprah we received quite a lot of information from Dr. Oz about ways that you can reverse aging. Through diet and exercise and lifestyle habits you can easily put into place an anti-aging plan.

Oprah is 54 years old and she said it has hit her like a bulldozer. You have to work harder just to stay in shape. In January Bob Greene has started this year’s ‘Best Life Diet.’

The Anti-Aging Ultimate Checklist is summarized as follows:

1. Food

2. Exercise

3. Meditate

4. Sleep and Sex

5. Vitamins

The popular series health books that have been co-authored by Dr. Memhet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen have been bestsellers. More discussion about anti-aging and reversing your age is discussed in their book, “You: Staying Young the Owner’s Manual for extending your Warranty.”

What foods should be in your refrigerator?

1. Antioxidants help to prevent damage during the process of oxidation. Dr. Oz uses the example of an apple turning brown when the air hits it but if you put on lemon juice it will prevent the oxidation from occurring. Dr. Oz showed us foods that are rich with antioxidants which are blueberries which he said are also referred to brainberries. Dark colored foods help to carry antioxidants. Five fistfuls of antioxidant rich foods a day. Colorful foods often are full of antioxidants.

2. Broccoli is beneficial in more than one way. Dr. Oz explains that this vegetable can help lower cancer risk. Oprah said that broccoli can also help the thyroid as well.

3. Dr. Oz continued to explain that tomatoes when they are heated up with a little oil will help to deliver the lycopene, which is another antioxidant.

4. Acai is a fruit that comes from the Rainforest in South America. It is loaded with antioxidants.

5. Green or White Tea was recommended by Dr. Oz . He suggested that you drink 4 cups of green or white tea each day. Polyphenols and catechins are found in the teas that are believed to contribute to health benefits. Green tea is very young and it that hasn’t been dried much, while white tea is not dried at all which is hopefully going to improve the antioxidant green tea health benefits.

6. Red Wine was recommended by Dr. Oz and suggested that 1 glass or serving was enough to help with getting resveratrol which helps in preventing your cells from aging. Dark grape juice will also have some resveratrol. Light colored grapes don’t offer the same kind of benefits.

Dr. Roizen co-author with Dr. Oz has created a test that he gave all of the audience members. Your Real Age They had a 60 year old lady that Dr. Roizen said that she is closer to 48 years old. She looked really young. She has kept up with yoga for over 22 years. She does belly dancing too. She has a passion of reading and writing regularly. Another lady was 63 years old and Dr. Roizen said that she is barely 50 years old based on her real age score. She looks great, but had a little bit of grey hair and wrinkles. Dr. Roizen said that she meditates for a long time; she sleeps well, and eats a balanced diet. Her passion in life is riding horses regularly. Dr. Roizen said that having a passion in life is worth 8 years of your anti-aging goals. Another woman is 44 years old, but rates at almost 60 years old with the real age test. She is a smoker that does not exercise and has a lot of stress both at home and at work. She doesn’t deal well with the stress. She has smoked for over 30 years. They offered to pass her the blueberries, because she said to pass the blueberries. She gets the blueberries and said jokingly that she is not going to share this with the other audience members.

Spices full of anti-aging secrets.

Cinnamon can decrease blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels, especially in those that have type 2 diabetes. Ginger can decrease your blood pressure, alleviate arthritis pain by reducing inflammation, and reduce your risk of cancer. Tumeric can also help arthritis sufferers. Tumeric can be found in Curry. Curry has been shown to relieve arthritis pain, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Paprika and Cayenne Pepper has been shown to help reduce high blood pressure and to also improve circulation. Rosemary is very important for learning. Dr. Oz showed Oprah rosemary and explained that it makes you smarter because it helps you focus. Spices that are dried have almost the same effect as the fresh ones said Dr. Oz.

Fiber is important. Dr. Oz showed a bowl of steel cut oatmeal because you get more fiber that way. Instead of using hot water use apple juice said an audience member, it tastes really good prepared that way. Dr. Oz said to stay away from white flour. He showed artichoke pasta that has extra fiber. Dr. Oz said that it has to say 100 percent whole grain to really be worth eating. He recommends eating beans for a good source of fiber. A lady in the audience asked Dr. Oz about when she changed her diet and had to go bathroom at the most in-opportune time. She wants to know how to incorporate more fiber into her diet without the side effects of having to go bathroom all the time. Dr. Oz said that you have to work build up your dietary foundation of fiber intake a little bit at a time. If you use Beano it can help prevent gas from eating beans. Not mentioned on the show but equally important, adequate water intake can also be helpful when eating more dietary fiber. Dr. Oz found chia seeds are full of fiber that come from South America. He gave Oprah a cupcake made with Chia. It adds more fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids. Oprah said that she takes the Flax seeds whole. Dr. Oz said that you have to grind up the flax seed to get the benefits of the Omega 3 fatty acids. You grind it up to get the healthy fats out of the foods. You can also get Omega 3 in walnuts. Fish has Omega 3 from spiralina algae. Dr. Oz made guacamole with spiralina algae. Oprah tasted it and it looked black in color, not that appealing. She said it wasn’t that bad. Olive oil you need 1 – 2 tablespoon every day. Dr. Oz said that you should put the food in the olive and then put it in the pan. If you heat the oil to much it will cause the healthy oil to be damaged.

Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen said that the next part of the anti-aging battle is exercise. Another audience member asked Dr. Oz why she keeps gaining weight despite her exercising and eating healthy. Dr. Oz said to consider your waist as her health assessment and not necessarily the scale. She could have gained weight from exercising and muscle increase. He had her come onto the stage, and said that she probably is not pushing herself enough. He showed us how to calculate a heart rate formula to work within for cardiovascular exercise. The formula is take 220 and subtract your age. Take this result and multiply it by .80. This gives you your target heart rate. Her ideal heart rate is 140 beats per minute. She had her target heart rate goal be reached too fast and Dr. Oz thinks that she needs to work more on her fitness. Dr. Oz showed exercises that can help build muscle mass. He demonstrated the front lunge. Don’t let your knee pass over your toe. The next is to do leg lifts by laying your back on the floor and lifting your legs off the ground to strengthen your core stomach area. Next he showed how to do pull ups. You can by a bar at home to install so you will have one easily accessible. He had a hard time originally doing pull-ups originally but he has worked up to around 20 of them after working at it. Dr. Oz did 21 pull-ups on the show. Get the heart rate up to your target at least 3 times a week and do strength training 30 minutes weekly. You should always consult with your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program as a pre-cautionary measure. Dr. Oz said that you need to be flexible. You should be able to touch the floor. He showed various yoga poses; the plank, the up dog, the downward facing dog, salutation, and warrior pose. He also recommends tree pose for improving balance. He said to say yummmm and meditate during the yoga poses. Dr. Oz said to do it in your bathroom so that nobody will find you there. Prayer is mediation. You need a few moments to yourself.

Lack of sleep is aging us, said Dr. Oz. You need to get sleep to rejuvenate ourselves. Lack of sleep will strip years off of your age. When the sun went down before modern civilization we naturally slipped into sleep. He recommends recreating this by having a routine that quiets us down instead of stimulating us right before bedtime. He said if you don’t floss your teeth you could reduce your lifespan by 5 years. Dr. Oz said that you need sex with your partner 2 to 3 times a week. Women benefits by getting a boost in oxytocin, and men get more testosterone. Dr. Oz joked to sleep naked and to install mirrors. Oprah wanted to know more about vitamins. Dr. Oz discussed vitamin D. The biggest deficiency is with vitamin D. Take 1000 IU he suggests. Over half of all Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin has been associated with preventing cancer, reducing heart problems, changing the outcomes risk factors for multiple sclerosis, and also risk factors associated with deficiencies in juvenile diabetes. Because of the sunscreen that is used in our society, even people in the south are getting less vitamin D from the sun.

Calcium with magnesium is important. Calcium supplements will constipate you, but the magnesium will help prevent that.

DHA omega 3 fish oil supplements he recommended.

Dr. Oz discussed multi-vitamins. He said to cut the vitamins in half with one being taken in the morning and one in the evening. Menstruating and pre-menopausal women will need some iron supplements. Pre-menopausal women take no more than 5000 IU of vitamin A. Men and post-menopausal women should take no more than 2500 IU of Vitamin A and they need no iron supplements. The multi-vitamin Dr. Oz recommends will be listed on Oprah.com.

Here is the checklist printout link for Dr. Oz anti-aging checklist sheet:

Dr. Oz said to take 2 baby Aspirin a day for those over the age of 40 to take this daily regimen. There is a chance of intestinal discomfort. Might Heart disease, cancer, wrinkles. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug.

Does it matter which multi-vitamin you should take. On the Oprah website they recommend the amounts that would be helpful.

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7 Days of Spa — at Home

For one week, sneak in a luxurious little treat each day — right at home! Follow our schedule of sweet indulgences, adapted from some of the world's best spas.

Salt Bath, Adler Thermae Spa Resort, Tuscany, Italy

At the center of the Adler Thermae Spa Resort in Tuscany, Italy, is a natural hot spring, rich in healing minerals. Surrounding one of the thermal pools are many small huts, each one an entrance to a different sauna or bath that's hidden within. The most relaxing of them all is the Grotto Salina, the underground salt bath, which is a pool of water enriched with Dead Sea salts, known for their muscle-melting and skin-soothing properties.
Take 30 minutes: Run the water in your bathtub at about 82 degrees (think comfortable heated-pool temperature) to stimulate microcirculation, recommends Dr. Thomas Platzer, Adler Thermae's resident physician. Then add 1 cup of Dead Sea salts (try Ahava Dead Sea Bath Salts, $18) to the water and soak for 15 minutes. Almost as relaxing as the bath itself? The mandated post-bath rest period of at least 15 minutes.

Get rid of morning puffiness.
Signature Stone Facial, Spa Bellagio, Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas

The Vegas Strip is America's epicenter of excess, so swollen eyes come with the territory. Which must be why Spa Bellagio at Bellagio, one of the Strip's most luxurious hotels, created the Signature Stone Facial: An aesthetician massages your face — from temples to cheekbones, down your jawline to the back of your neck — with small heated stones. Then she brushes on a skin serum with gentle, circular strokes. Last, she presses cold stones around your eyes to relieve lingering puffiness.
Take 10 minutes: For a few bucks, you can buy small river-rock stones at a florist and a silky synthetic paintbrush at a crafts store, says Julia Shintaku, Spa Bellagio's lead aesthetician. Place the stones in a bowl of water and ice. Apply a serum to your face (try Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum, $20) and use the brush to work the serum into your skin, making circular, upward motions. Then take a cool stone and place it under your eye at the inner corner; slowly push toward the outer corner. Repeat on the upper eye area and, with another stone, on the other eye. "You'll look like you've gotten the sleep you needed," says Shintaku.

Slough off sluggishness.
Gifts of Our Garden Spa Treatment, Lake Austin Spa Resort, Austin, TX

Sometimes it's hard to put your finger on what's dragging you down. So at the Lake Austin Spa Resort in Austin, TX, they let your nose make the call. In the Gifts of Our Garden Spa Treatment, you choose what smell appeals to you most from a cartful of herbs, each with its own therapeutic properties. "What smells best to you is what your body needs," says Lynne Vertrees, director of treatment development for the resort's LakeHouse Spa. Your chosen herb is picked fresh from the spa's garden, then crushed along with sea salts, shea butter, and essential oil. The mixture is applied to your skin for an allover exfoliation. After you rinse off in the shower, you receive a full-body massage, body wrap, and scalp massage.
Take 15 minutes: Create an energizing scrub to use in your shower. Herbs such as rosemary and sage help to stimulate your nervous and digestive systems and generate skin renewal, says Vertrees. Crush a sprig of either herb into 4 oz of Epsom salts and 1 oz of unscented body oil. Shower off, then apply a rosemary-enhanced body lotion (try Aveda Rosemary Mint Body Lotion, $20).

Get a midweek moisture boost.
Sensuous Wave Jojoba Butter Cocoon, Jade Mountain, St. Lucia

At Jade Mountain on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, spa services are offered in your room. Because, really, why would anyone want to leave her private, open-air sanctuary with its own infinity pool overlooking the mountains and the sea? For the Sensuous Wave Jojoba Butter Cocoon, the therapist uses a dry body brush to whisk away dead skin, followed by a sugar, grapefruit, and rose oil scrub. After you rinse off, she massages your skin with a citrus body butter, then wraps you in Mylar and a blanket. Your head is massaged while the body butter soaks into your skin.
Take 30 minutes: Whip up your own moisture mask by mixing jojoba cream (try Ren Grapeseed Jojoba and Shea Butter Body Cream, $29) with grapefruit and jasmine essential oils. Apply it just out of the shower, says Mary C. Weber, spa manager for Jade Mountain. Then "cocoon" your body in plastic wrap and snuggle under a blanket for 20 mellowing minutes.

Eat a healthy, yummy meal.
Cantaloupe Coconut Gazpacho, Rancho La Puerta, Tecate, Mexico

At Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico, you eat and cook wildly fresh and flavorful spa cuisine; there's an on-premises organic farm plus a cooking school, La Cocina Que Canta ("the kitchen that sings").

Take 10 minutes: Try this summery soup recipe from Creative Chef Jesús González:

1 medium cantaloupe, peeled, seeded, and diced
1/4 cup lime juice
1 (14-oz) can light coconut milk
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 medium seedless cucumber, peeled, cut into 1/4-inch dice
1 cup additional melon (honeydew or cantaloupe), cut into small cubes
2 Tbsp chopped fresh mint leaves
1 Tbsp agave syrup or honey, to taste

1. In a blender, puree chopped cantaloupe, lime juice, and coconut milk. Pour into a large bowl through a sieve. Discard pulp.

2. Whisk chili powder and cinnamon into cantaloupe puree. Stir in cucumber, melon cubes, and mint. Season to taste with syrup; chill for one hour.

Revive at the end of a long week.
Willow Stream Signature Manicure, Willow Stream Spa at the Fairmont Scottsdale, in Arizona

By the time Friday rolls around, it's hard to find the steam to enjoy the weekend. But at the Willow Stream Spa at the Fairmont Scottsdale, in Arizona, you can tap into an oasis of energy right in the middle of the desert. Power up while you're pampering: The Willow Stream Signature Manicure starts with tea and organic cookies. "What better way to build up your energy reserves?" says spa director Jill Eisenhut. Your hands are soaked, and myrrh oil is applied to cuticles, which are pushed back or nipped where necessary. Nails are shaped. An energizing aromatherapy mist is sprayed onto face and hands. After a delicious hand and arm massage, nails are swiped with alcohol to remove debris, then polished with a base coat, two coats of color, and a top coat.
Take five minutes (or five seconds!): A quickie mani is more about clean than color. Fine-tune your nail shape with an emery board, then apply nail oil (try Kerstin Florian Myrrh Nail Oil, $34) and push back cuticles. Wash your hands, then paint on a coat of clear polish. Finish with Willow Stream Energy Hydrating Spritz, $12, an invigorating combination of lemongrass, ginger, and sandalwood. Or heck, skip the mani, hit the spritz, then go out and play!

Have a sweet and sexy date night.
Couple's Body Painting Treatment, SiSpa at the Resort at Singer Island, in Florida

The Couple's Body Painting Treatment at SiSpa at the Resort at Singer Island, in Florida, is a marriage of romance and relaxation: You start together in a rose petal-filled tub, dining on chocolate truffles, strawberries, and champagne. Then you are served chocolate syrup, body butter, and brown sugar scrub and given 20 minutes of private time to "paint" each other with your hands. After you rinse off, enjoy side-by-side Swedish massages, which culminate with champagne dripped onto your bodies for a bubbly sensation. You'll get 20 minutes of alone time to finish off the bottle.
Take however long you like: Set the scene with candles. "Any bathroom can look good with the right lighting," says SiSpa spa director Arielle Sutton. Grab your man, lock the door, then pop open a bottle of champagne and let some spill out onto your skin. Then mix your own "paint": Sutton likes Deserving Thyme Mega Moisturizing Body Butter, $21, and Brown Sugar Body Scrub, $26, plus Hershey's Special Dark Syrup, 2 tablespoons each. Yes, your skin will be soft and glistening, but we suspect you'll also be sporting another type of glow.

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Foods for Living Longer and Better

Eat Your Way To Longevity. These food and drink options will help your body fight off the damage caused by aging (see exotic anti-aging foods for some odder longevity foods). Just work them into your daily and weekly meal plans and you'll be getting extra vitamins, antioxidants and other substances that will help your body fight age-related illnesses and be anti aging resources for you. Below is a list of the Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods.

1. Avocados

Avocados lead my list of anti-aging foods because that are just so delicious. Of course, avocados are loaded with healthy fats to help improve your cholesterol, but the main reason to eat avocados is because they taste so good.

2. Walnuts

I know I need to eat more omega-3s and that fish are a great source, but I have to admit that possible mercury contamination of fish has got me a bit scared off. That's where walnuts come in. Turns out that walnuts are a great (and mercury-free) source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Eat a handful or two a day for all your omega-3 needs.

3. Green Vegetables

I know, it's pretty boring to talk about the need to eat more vegetables -- but here's the thing, we all really need to do it. In fact, if the country could get 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day, we'd see a huge decrease in heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and more. So find some way to eat one more veggie or fruit this week, then add another next week until you get to 9 servings. Focus on leafy or deeply colored vegetables for the most benefit.

4. Water

Water is good for you. This seems pretty basic. There is some disagreement in the medical world whether drinking TONS of water is really a good idea, but while they sort that out stay focused on water. Your goal should be to make water your primary drink. This way, you'll be drinking a no calorie, no chemical drink all day long instead of the many, many high-calorie, high chemical alternatives.

5. Berries

Berries are packed full of antioxidants and other chemicals that your body can use to make repairs and prevent some of the damage caused by aging. Best of all, berries taste really, really good. Be sure to eat your berries without any sauces or sugars. Just enjoy them plain for their goodness.

6. Green Tea

Green tea has been a longevity supplement in Asia for thousands of years. It is a great thing to work into your daily life. Green tea contains high concentrations of just the chemicals your body needs. Green tea is also inexpensive, delicious and gives a mild (and gentle) energy boost from its caffeine.

7. Red Wine

Red wine is good for you -- it contains a substance called "resveratrol" that help your body fight off age-related illnesses. At the end of your day have a glass or two to relax and unwind. You'll get the benefits of a delicious drink along with the anti-aging properties of resveratrol.

8. Beans

Beans are a great source of healthy protein and antioxidants. Really, beans are a wonder food. Some researchers (like T. Colin Powell) believe that animal protein may cause many of the illnesses we face as we age. Switching to a (healthy) vegetarian diet certainly will help improve the health of your heart and arteries. Beans are a necessary part of any healthy vegetarian diet. If you don't want to go all the way to vegetarianism, then just start by substituting a few meals a week with bean-based entrees.

9. Melons

When I think of fruit, I don't always think of melons. That's a shame because melons have some of the best nutritional profiles of all the fruits. They are pulpy (so they fill you up) and contain lots of vitamins for your body. Work melons into your daily/weekly diet and you'll be reaping health benefits as you enjoy them.

10. Chocolate

I put chocolate last in this list only because it doesn't need to be higher up to get your attention. Chocolate (dark chocolate, that is) is good for you. It has a balance of fats that don't harm your body and tons of healthy chemicals that your body needs. The only draw-back is that chocolate also has calories. Have a little square every day, but don't overdue it.

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21 Pro Secrets to an Amazing At-Home Spa Experience Read more: At Home Spa Treatments – DIY Spa Treatments - Real Beauty

Who doesn't want to spend an afternoon (or a weekend!) getting pampered at a posh spa? But indulging in a day of decadence at the hands of a pro can be expensive. Luckily, it's actually possible to re-create the experience — from the relaxing ambiance to the impressive results — at home. Here, experts share their best DIY moves.

1. Pay Attention to the Details

Part of what makes the spa experience so luxurious is the little extra touches. That's why you should do some prep work before you start your treatments. Throw your robe in the dryer for 10 minutes so it's warm and fluffy when you want to lounge. Nuke a neck wrap in the microwave for two minutes to help your muscles relax while you soak in the tub, and stash a cooling gel eye mask in the freezer (a bag of frozen peas also works) for a quick pick-me-up.

2. Scent Your Space

What aroma takes you to your happy place? Chances are it's not cleaning supplies or last night's dinner. To make your home smell spa-like, burn a heavenly scented soy candle, place pretty potpourri in each room, or use aromatherapy diffusers. The most universally soothing fragrances: lavender, eucalyptus, and citrus.

3. Create a Calming Playlist

Don't worry — we're not suggesting that you load your iPod with Enya's greatest hits. That said, the right music is crucial to creating a calming atmosphere. A good rule of thumb is to choose songs that are tuned into your heartbeat at rest (about 60 to 80 beats per minute). Some mellow ideas: light jazz and R&B, classical, and anything by Jack Johnson.

4. Jazz Up Your Water

No spa worth its detoxifying seaweed body wrap would serve you a glass of plain H2O. Hydrate in style by slicing up some fruit (fresh mango, orange, peach, and strawberry are all good options, or try cucumber or mint) and add to a large pitcher of ice water. Keep it in the fridge and sip between treatments.

5. Snack Spa-Style

Baked Lays and Twizzlers are delicious, but they're not exactly spa-appropriate fare. Instead, set out a mini-buffet of sliced fruit and veggies, mixed nuts, and whole-grain crackers. You can also treat yourself to a few squares of dark chocolate, since it contains healthy antioxidants.

6. Raid the Fridge

Even the fanciest spas approve of using basic (and cheap!) ingredients in at-home treatments. For example, you can make a moisturizing face mask by mixing a tablespoon of honey with one egg white. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse off after 10 minutes.

Another homespun recipe: Mash a fresh pineapple or papaya into a paste and mix it with a bit of olive oil and honey. Apply to your face and rinse off after 10 minutes.

7. Show Your Hair Some Love

Extend all this pampering goodness beyond your face and body with a nourishing hair treatment. First, turn your bathroom into a mini steam room by taking an extra-hot, extra-long shower. Then, massage a deep conditioner or hair oil into clean damp tresses. Wrap your hair in a towel and hang out in the bathroom with the door closed for about 30 minutes to let your mane fully absorb the treatment.

8. Buff Your Body

Follow the directions in the previous slide to turn your bathroom into a steam room, then turn off the shower and scrub your body with a mix of your regular body wash, plus 1/4 cup raw sugar cane and 2 teaspoons coconut milk (you can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil). Once you're smooth from head to toe, dry off and apply a rich body cream.

9. Clear Your Sinuses

Congested sinuses can create a lot of stress, due to built-up facial tension and resulting headaches (damn allergies!). To get some relief, make like a professional facialist and place two fingertips on the bridge of your nose, then slowly slide them down onto your cheekbones and to the outside of your eyes. Repeat a few times until your face feels relaxed.

10. Take a Milk Bath

One of the absolute best skin-smoothing ingredients can be found in the dairy aisle at your supermarket. The lactic acid in milk softens skin better than most super-fancy potions, which is why spa pros recommend pouring a few cups of the stuff (choose whole milk over low-fat) in your bath. After a long soak, your body will feel buttery soft.

11. Walk This Way

If you've ever been to a destination spa, then you know that it's not all lounging around with cucumber slices on your eyes — exercise is a major component. And that's because working out pumps up endorphins and makes you feel good. So take your spa day outside and get moving. You can actually meditate and walk at the same time by focusing on the specifics of each step, from the sensation of your feet hitting the ground to the breeze and the air around you. After a brisk spin around the block, you should feel less stressed out.

12. Minimize Cellulite

No matter how expensive the treatment, nothing will get rid of cellulite for good. However, you can temporarily reduce the appearance of your lumps and bumps with freshly brewed coffee grounds (seriously!). Mix a handful of grounds with a firming body cream or face mask until it's pastelike. Then rub it over your butt and thighs in an upward circular motion. For extra tightening action, cover those areas with plastic wrap and put on sweatpants. Hang out for a few hours, then rinse it off.

13. Take Deep Breaths

In spa-land there's even a correct way to breathe, and chances are you're not doing it right now. To instantly feel more peaceful and clearheaded, practice deep breathing, which is basically in through your nose and out your mouth.

14. Have a Ball

Nothing compares to the strong hands of a professional massage therapist, but you can ease some muscle tension with this brilliant trick: Stuff a tennis ball into a long sock or a pair of stockings, then throw it over your shoulder and lean against a wall (you can also try lying on the floor). Move around on the ball until you find that annoying knot in your back and hold it there for a minute. Take deep breaths and allow your muscles to relax.

15. Whip Up a Body Treatment

If you're really into homemade concoctions, then you'll love this skin-smoothing recipe: Mix your regular body wash with a handful of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of powdered milk, a teaspoon of honey, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, some olive oil, and half a serving of coffee grounds (use the spoon that comes in the canister). Rub the combo from neck to toes and your skin will feel velvety soft.

16. Pass the Salt

One of the hottest wellness trends right now is salt therapy, which is based on the belief that when breathed in, salt has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. To reap the health benefits, fill a bowl with hot water and 1/2 cup Dead Sea or Epsom salts. Hold your face comfortably over the vapors for 10 minutes. Do this two or three times a week and see if your skin looks more radiant.

17. Revitalize Your Skin and Eyes

Most spa facials involve some kind of face massage to boost blood flow and help the products absorb better. Here's how to get results on your own: Take a warm shower to soften your pores, then cut a chilled seedless red or green grape in half. Grapes contain hydrating glucose and powerful antioxidants that fight skin-damaging free radicals. Slide the flat side of the cut grape over your skin, starting between your brows and moving out toward your temples. Sweep up to your forehead, then down your nose and over your cheeks.

18. Smooth Your Soles

The pro trick to getting rid of nasty calluses is to buff your feet with a pumice stone or file before you soak them since dry skin sloughs off easier than wet skin. When you're done, dunk your soles for at least 20 minutes in warm water. Once a month, treat your feet to a soak in a mixture of 2 cups fresh-mashed pineapple, 2 cups fresh-mashed papaya, and 2 cups hot milk. After 20 minutes, rinse off and apply a rich foot cream.

19. De-Puff Your Peepers

Not only do cucumbers have an instant cooling effect (they're 90% water), but they also contain an enzyme that reduces inflammation, making them a stellar remedy for eye bags. You can put a slice on each eye or chop them up and roll the pieces into a paper-towel eye pack.

20. Drink Up

Believe it or not, some spas actually encourage you to drink alcohol, specifically a glass of red wine. The grape seed polyphenols are amazing antioxidants, plus the vino will leave you totally relaxed.

21. Stay in the Zone

When you're finished with your at-home treatments, sip a spa-approved beverage of your choice (fruit-infused water, red wine, or herbal tea) while relaxing with a book. This is the time to take a break from magazines and newspapers and indulge in an art or architecture book. Allow your mind to wander for just a few moments longer before you join the real world again.

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DR. Oz's Skin Care Secrets in Your Kitchen

Dr. Oz's special guest dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD reveals her two skin care secrets that can be found in your kitchen for treating yourself with inexpensive and safe skin care techniques. Dr. Marmur is vice chair of cosmetic and dermatological surgery at Mount Sinai and lists for Dr. Oz’s viewers two home remedy skin secrets for improved and great looking skin.

Dr. Oz tells us that Dr. Marmur uses a variety of skin care techniques such as medications, lasers and peels. However, that there also are skin care secrets in the kitchen refrigerator that his viewers can use right now at little cost. When asking Dr. Marmur whether it is true that we may have some equally effective skin care treatments right in our own fridge, she replies, “You know, we used to call these old wives’ tales, but now we realize that a lot of what they told us is actually probably very true.”

The following is a list of two skin conditions and home remedies Dr. Marmur suggests that you can use from common items found in the family kitchen:

Skin Care Secret #1: Avocadoes and honey for dry flaky skin
Dry flaky skin is a common skin condition problem, especially during the winter months. Typical treatment for dry flaky skin is to moisturize the skin while at the same time replenishing it with natural oils and plant-derived nutrients. On the Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Marmur suggests two natural ingredients for treating dry skin: avocadoes and honey.

“You are going to cut your avocado in half and scoop out the fruit of the avocado and you’re going to start stirring in about one tablespoon of honey and make it into a kind of a nice consistency,” says Dr. Marmur.

Once the mixture is ready, it is applied directly to the dry flaky skin on the face and left there for 10 minutes. Dr. Marmur says that you can do this three times a week and even place a nice, cool towel soaked in green tea to hold the mix in place on your face and to have the added benefits of caffeine on your skin.

Skin Care Secret #2: Pineapple and cottage cheese for rosacea
Rosacea is a chronic and uncomfortable skin disorder characterized by flare-ups and remissions, primarily on the face. It typically begins after age 30 as a redness on the nose, chin, cheeks and forehead that tends to progress with age. In some cases it can lead to a condition called rhinophyma, which is what gave the comedian W.C. Fields his characteristic bulbous nose.

Rosacea can be irritating and itchy, and while there are some treatments for it there is no cure at this time. One simple treatment of a rosacea flare-up suggested by Dr. Marmur is what some people have for dessert: pineapple and cottage cheese.

“You’re going to take one cup of cottage cheese and mince about a quarter of a cup of pineapple. Believe it or not, the secret of the pineapple is in the rind of the pineapple. And then you are going to just mix it all up, and not have too much water in it,” says Dr. Marmur.

The pineapple/cottage cheese mixture is then pasted on the skin over the areas of rosacea. Dr. Marmur explains that what gives pineapple its nutritional value toward a healthy diet is also healthy for the skin. “So what’s happening here is that the pineapple is full of juices and vitamins, like vitamin C, and it’s going to decrease the redness of your skin—it’s kind of a secret anti-redness ingredient,” she explains. “And the cottage cheese is like milk, it’s going to smooth and calm your skin, so afterward you should have a much more glowing skin.”

Testimonies by the participants on the Dr. Oz show revealing Dr. Marmur’s skin care secrets in the kitchen all claimed that the two skin care treatments were both soothing to their skin and pleasing to smell. They stated that they would definitely try these at home for their skin conditions. For more kitchen-ready skin care remedies take a look at newhope360.com for an article titled “Skin care from the kitchen.”

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5 Ingredients to Look for in Your Skincare Products By Nicolas Perricone, MD

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha lipoic acid is one of the most powerful anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatories available. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is called “the universal antioxidant” because it is both fat- and water-soluble. This means that ALA is easily absorbed through the lipid layers of the skin and works equally well as a free-radical fighter in the cell plasma membrane and in the watery interiors of the cell. Further, it is 400 times stronger than vitamins E and C combined (both of which are renowned for their antioxidant properties).

ALA has great benefit when applied in a topical lotion. When put in an eye lotion, it will greatly decrease under eye circles and puffiness. ALA will also reduce swelling and puffiness in the face. Its anti-inflammatory effects reduce redness and blotchiness, resulting in an evening out of skin tone, often making foundation unnecessary. ALA will shrink pore size and impart a healthy radiance to the skin. ALA is excellent at decreasing the appearance of lines and wrinkles; its capacity to regulate production of nitric oxide, which controls blood flow to the skin, transforms the complexion from dull, pasty and pale to vibrant and glowing.

For several decades, I have been extolling the virtues of DMAE as both a nutritional supplement and as a topical treatment to combat the signs of aging of the face and body.

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a nutritional substance that is a powerful anti-inflammatory and membrane stabilizer. DMAE is a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that causes muscles to contract and tighten under the skin. Therefore, it can help maintain muscle tone in the face and body as we age, helping to prevent both sagging and drooping of the muscles under skin. In fact, it is not wrinkles that are the greatest culprit in giving the face an aged appearance – it is the loss of anatomical position that results in the sagging and drooping of the underlying muscles. When applied topically in the form of a lotion, the effects are almost immediately visible. The effects are also cumulative. Studies looking at weeks, months and even up to a year of use show that improvements and benefits continue to accrue. Application of a DMAE-rich topical treatment results in almost instantaneous benefits. The skin looks firmer, lifted, less lined, and smoother. If a pea-sized drop of a DMAE-containing lotion is spread on one side of the face, gently rubbed into the nasolabial fold, around the eye, forehead, under the chin and on the neck, results can be seen in about 20 minutes. The side of the face and jaw line with the DMAE will appear more contoured, the eye will be open wider, the nasolabial fold lessened. The effect is dramatic. There will also be an immediate reduction in lines and wrinkles. DMAE is also outstanding in tightening up the dimpled skin on the back of the thighs and the upper arms. Also, the appearance of both fine and deep lines is reduced, and best of all, there is a wonderful (and very visible) increase in overall radiance and evenness of skin tone and color.

Vitamin C Ester
Many skincare products contain antioxidants, however, sometimes they can be irritants such as vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. What few people know is that there are two forms of vitamin C – water-soluble and fat-soluble – with distinctly different properties.

Water-soluble vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
This is the form of vitamin C found in standard vitamin supplements. Although I recommend taking this form of vitamin C as a nutritional supplement, ascorbic acid has some serious drawbacks when used as topical ingredient. It cannot protect cell membranes, nor can the skin maintain adequate levels when we experience oxidative stress, either from internal sources such as poor diet and stress, or from external sources such as sunlight. Ascorbic acid can also create a powerful free radical known as a hydroxylradical, via a Fenton reaction with iron in the body. It is also irritating to skin and unstable when used in topical formulations.

Fat-soluble vitamin C ester
Unlike the ascorbic acid form, fat-soluble vitamin C ester realizes this essential nutrient’s full potential as an anti-aging agent. It displays greater antioxidant activity in our cells than ascorbic acid does, and performs this vital work at lower doses. In fact, compared with ascorbic acid, vitamin C ester delivers 8 times higher levels of vitamin C activity. And because vitamin C ester can reside in our cells' fatty membranes, it continuously regenerates the vitamin E depleted by that fat-soluble antioxidant’s ongoing fight against free radicals. Vitamin C ester also possesses superior ability to stimulate growth of the cells (fibroblasts) that help produce collagen and elastin, the strands of tissue that give the skin its strength and flexibility. Last but not least, vitamin C ester is also more stable in topical solutions, maintaining its efficacy while it delivers its incomparable benefits. And it does not produce the negative Fenton reaction that occurs when products containing water-soluble ascorbic acid are applied to skin.

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A Day at the Spa : Holistic Spa Treatments

Organic Spas, Holistic Treatments

Day spas have become a fixture in today’s health and beauty market. In developing this market niche, day spa operators have introduced a range of services and products that are new to the mainstream consumer such as holistic treatments and organic beauty products. Aging baby boomers that are hanging on to the vestiges of youth have become more accepting of practices that were previously identified with the New Age. As a result, day spas are one of the economic hot spots in the personal services market.

Day spas provide the types of thorough body treatments found at traditional spas, which tend to be destination sites for weekend stays. In keeping with the harried pace of active professionals, day spa services require a commitment of hours rather than days. The spa business in this country exceeds twelve billion in annual revenues, and probably three quarters of that business was done by day spas.

A Broad Array of Services

Day spas have slowly developed their niche in the health and human services marketplace by overcoming a couple of factors. It has been a gradual process making the average woman comfortable with some of the water-oriented, whole body treatments and with some of the alternative medical components that have been integrated into day spa services.

Many day spa operators began as salon owners and most day spas include hair treatments, manicures, pedicures and makeup application as base services. In evolving from salons to spas, these businesses have widened service options to include an assortment of body treatments such as exfoliation, aromatherapy, and a number of full body wraps utilizing organic therapeutic products.

Water plays an important role in day spa services, with a number of treatments falling into the category of hydrotherapy. Mineral and seaweed baths are available and massage treatments using water are provided. The traditional dry and moist heat from steam rooms and saunas can be found in day spas. Healing therapies that require licensed practitioners are also staples of day spas. These may include acupressure, Rolfing treatments and more exotic therapies such as Reiki (a form of “energy healing”).

Oriented to a Broad Consumer Audience

The other important image issue that day spas have battled is the notion that they are a luxury most women cannot afford. Given the explosive growth of the market and the expansion of services in many spas, it is clear that the industry has had success on both fronts. Many spas that began as simple nail and beauty salons now make more than half of their revenues from spa services.

Many services are offered as packages, in order to introduce new clients to the day spa environment. The woman that has her initial aromatherapy treatment as part of a gift package may choose to make it part of her lifestyle. Day spa operators have learned to take their holistic, organic approach to these services and make them accessible - and desirable - for mainstream consumers. What originates as a one-time experience may become a periodic choice.

Individual Services and Treatments

Once you have become comfortable with the day spa environment and the assortment of treatments available, curiosity may well overtake you. Here is an assortment of treatments that are common to many, if not most day spas. These treatments have been assembled from a remarkable variety of cultural sources and practices. Beyond the basics of manicure or pedicure, you may run across the following:

Aromatic Rejuvenating Face & Body Treatment
This is a full body skin conditioning treatment that begins with exfoliation and extends to a body wrap utilizing antioxidants. The treatment is completed with an aromatherapy facial.

Healing Stone Therapy
This treatment reaches into Eastern healing philosophies by basing its orientation on balancing one’s chakras, or energy centers. A hot stone massage is combined with aromatherapy. The treatment is rounded out with “gem therapy,” introducing a spiritual element into this particular form of physical improvement.

Therapeutic Massage
Massages have long been a resource for people with active, stressful lifestyles. Today a traditional Swedish massage is usually available at your local day spa. Massages are known for the remarkable stress reduction and relaxation that they induce. A good masseuse will relieve muscular tension and stimulate circulation as well.

Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy massage incorporates a blend of organic oils and treatments designed to enhance the benefits of traditional massage. The ‘massage therapist’ will select the blend of oils and balms that are most likely to be of benefit to you; each element is believed to affect certain parts of the body and states of mind as well.

The ancient system of orientation points used in acupuncture is the basis of Shiatsu. This treatment uses acupressure and stretching exercises to affect certain energy centers within the body and open pathways that are blocked. This form of therapy is conducted on a floor mat and requires some physical participation - so comfortable clothing is essential.

This form of treatment is based on the theory that the foot can be a map of the entire body and can provide information about the condition of all of your parts. The therapist provides a foot massage which then guides a physical ‘tune-up’ of the entire body. Pressure is applied to those portions of the sole that relate to other parts of your body in order to induce positive effects.

Detoxifying Mud Wrap
With this treatment the traditional mud baths of weekend spas are brought to the day spa facility near you. After a brief dry exfoliation, mud is applied to the full body, mud that has been mixed with minerals and organic elements meant to release toxins from the body. Anti-inflammatory agents are incorporated into the treatment as well, providing a relaxing effect for tense muscles and tired joints.

Hydro Colon Therapy
This is a cleansing treatment for the colon that clears waste materials and toxins from your digestive system. Filtered water is introduced in moderate amounts and then removed by the same tube and pump system. The process is painless and the result is an important detoxification process.

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The 6 Most Indulgent New Spa Treatments

So many spa treatments, so little time – what is a woman to do? Just know the ones that are truly worth your time and money, of course! To give you a head start, we’ve scoped out the latest and greatest pampering indulgences and, ladies, do we have some fabulous results to share with you. These six healthy pleasures are guaranteed to catapult you straight to nirvana—but please, find out for yourself….

1) The Organic Oxygen Facial
Do you ever wonder how your favorite celebs get that radiant glow as they strut down the red carpet? Chances are, many of them have recently been to The Peninsula Hotel Spa in Beverly Hills to prep their beautiful faces with the Organic Oxygen Facial. This ritzy treatment combines organic, oxygen-enhanced Luzern skincare products with a pure concentrated oxygen mist. As you relax with this luxurious mask, a warm orange blossom oil-lotion blend is drizzled over your hands, arms, and shoulders, followed by a soothing massage. Mmmmm…. This treatment increases cellular respiration, enhances micro-circulation, fights premature aging, and it brings you a blissful sense of calm. After just one session you’ll be ready to face the paparazzi with the best of them.

2) The Hot Shell Massage
Move over Hot Stone Massage, there’s a new hot body treatment in town – the Hot Shell Massage. This treatment is currently offered exclusively at The Surf and Sand Hotel Aquaterra Spa in Laguna Beach, California. The Hot Shell Massage uses all-natural Tiger Clam Seashells and various elements from the ocean (such as dried kelp and sea algae) along with a mixture of purified water, salt, and lavender essential oils to relax, restore, and revive. The warmed, polished seashells are placed on your chakras to release blocked energy and the heat from the shells penetrates your muscles, helping you achieve a deep state of relaxation. The shells are also used in various deep tissue and effleurage massage strokes to soothe tired muscles.

3) The Mediterranean Harmony Massage
Spa Gaucin, located in Orange County at California’s only five-star, five-diamond resort (The St. Regis Monarch Beach), is a hands-down winner in feel-good massage – literally. If you think two hands are better than one… what would you think of four? Oh yes, that’s exactly what you get in this beyond-blissful body massage. Two therapists perform a choreographed massage in harmony as your mind wonders, “Can this really be happening to me, or am I just fantasizing?” The treatment uses hydrating Chardonnay grapeseed oil throughout the massage and ends with a fig and cassis body-butter back massage along with Spa Gaucin’s signature warm back compress. Afterwards, you’re sure to feel fabulously spoiled. And, if you have the good fortune to be staying at this lush hotel, you can gently glide to your room and sleep like a baby.

4) Magic of The Silk Route Body Therapy & Serenity Shower
The Spa at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado provides guests with a fragrant and luxurious journey through Thailand, India, and China in this sumptuous 90-minute body treatment and massage. To begin, let the enticing aromas of their cinnamon gel (massaged on your hands and feet), oriental oil (applied to your scalp), and cardamom and nutmeg (for a full body exfoliation) transport you far away from everyday cares. Next, a full wash under a warm and invigorating Vichy shower gets you ready for a relaxing massage, and the treatment concludes with a hydrating and firming silk body wrap. By the end, you’ll feel blissfully intoxicated with tranquility. But before you leave this heralded spa, a trip to the Serenity Shower is well worth an additional $35. If you haven’t heard, the Broadmoor is home to the original (and breathtaking) $100,000 Silver TAG Shower, featuring eighteen shower heads thatmimic a warm, vibrant, waterfall surrounding your entire body.

5) The “Pearfect” Body Treatment
San Diego’s The Spa at Rancho Bernardo Inn has one of the loveliest settings imaginable. The brand new spa overlooks a spectacular 18-hole golf course and has countless one-of-a-kind fountains. It features six private outdoor treatment casitas as well as an inviting new saline pool (for spa guests only) and is known for it’s original “Made Fresh Daily” Spa Treatments. The MFD seasonal offerings employ local, organic produce to create handmade body treatments. The spa manager works with chefs on property to find out what is in season and then crafts treatments based on those ingredients. Their “Pearfect Body Treatment” receives high ranks as one of the most delicious-smelling pamperings they offer.

You begin with a refreshing rub-down with their pear and green apple sugar exfoliation, you receive a complete body masque made from the pulp of tangy limes, green apples, and pears. After the masque is removed, a luxurious Organic Honeydew moisturizer is applied for the grand finale. The result? Skin that is silky soft to the touch. Plus you’ll smell irresistable and ready to make that special someone’s mouth water! Only $150 for 80 minutes. To book an appointment, call (858) 675-8471 or visit ranchobernardoinn.com.

6) The Island Flowers Body Masque
When is the last time a spa gave you flowers? On the Hawaiian island of Maui at The Grand Wailea Resort & Spa Grande (a 50,000 square foot pampering haven), it is believed that there is no such thing as too many flowers for a lady. This lush treatment begins with one hour of hydrotherapy to prime you for the fragrant masque. The masque employs a bouquet of Hawaiian flower petals ready to nurture you inside and out. Rose petals clarify your skin, passion flower petals relieve irritated and inflamed skin, and Hibiscus petals act as an emollient helping to soften you skin. Jasmine petals are used to cool the blood and, as an added bonus, they have strong antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-tumor properties. This treatment also calms your mind with soothing lavender flowers to promote relaxation and chamomile flowers to relax your nerves. The cost? A mere $160 for 50 minutes.

With these new and decadent spa treatments, you can indulge, revitalize, and come out a brand new you. Just take your pick!

~Jill Daniel

Vitamin Rich Moisturizer


Many of our favorite female Hollywood stars have something in common: they are paid well to be perpetually slim and trim. While some celebrities go to dramatic and often unhealthy lengths to maintain those million-dollar figures, most A-list stars maintain their sizes the old fashioned way - through nutritious foods and regular exercise. Here are five of our favorite celebrity diet secrets that really work!

Taking a long, leisurely stroll around the neighborhood every night is nice, but it is not going to knock 10 or 20 pounds off your frame. You have to raise your heart rate for 20 to 30 minutes each day to shed the fat! A trainer at your local gym can calculate your target heart rate for you, usually at no charge. Celebs favor running, Pilates and yoga to stay trim and toned. Bonus tip: exercising in the morning keeps your metabolism raised for the rest of the day, meaning your body can burn more calories with no more effort than if you had waited until later for your workout.

These major components of the food pyramid offer necessary vitamins and minerals in fewer calories than other foods. To get the most bang for your calorie "buck," swap empty-calorie items and reach for foods and beverages that are rich in beneficial nutrients. A study from the University of Florida shows that pink grapefruit juice provides more nutrients per calorie than many other commonly consumed 100 percent fruit juices, including apple, grape, pineapple and prune. So, think "pink" when you drink!

Fiber-rich foods, including fruits and vegetables, help to move things through your digestive system and can help make you feel full longer. Many stars favor asparagus, which may have natural diuretic effects, before red carpet events. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten as close to their natural state as possible: raw or lightly steamed, with no sauce.

While ridding your diet of all carbohydrates is extreme, you should favor whole grains such as whole wheat flour, brown rice and oatmeal over "white" or refined carbs such as white flour, white rice, white potatoes and refined cereals. Whole grains are better for your body, and the fiber will help keep you feeling fuller, longer.

Most of us eat portions that are far beyond what a serving should be. Many stars go so far as to measure each portion as a means of controlling their calorie intake. A proper serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards; fruit and vegetables, the size of your fist; steamed brown rice, the size of a cupcake wrapper; and pasta, the size of a scoop of ice cream. Stars are aware that portion control translates to fewer calories, and fewer calories mean a slimmer look on the red carpet!

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Four steps to younger looking skin

There’s no doubt about it – cared for skin looks younger for longer. Younger looking skin takes a bit of work. A regular daily skin regimen is vital as skin ages.
We all know the steps – cleanse, tone, exfoliate and moisturize. But are you doing it?
Don’t spend time worrying if you’ve let your beauty regimen lapse – start now – brush up on your anti aging skin care and see great results quickly.

Step 1: Cleanse
Number one rule – always take your make up off. Not cleansing properly can strip the skin of natural oils and drag and pull delicate skin causing wrinkles and sagging.
Always use special products that are formulated with high active anti aging ingredients to protect older skin.
You can’t go far wrong if you stick to high end dermatologist based skin care lines like Perricone MD or Murad Skin Care – both of which have lovely cleansers in their anti aging ranges for mature skin.
The worst thing about taking make up off has got to be the eyes. Use a gentle make up remover specially formulated for the eyes.
Two products I particularly like are: Ahava Gentle Eye Make Up Remover and Bliss Lid+Lash Wash. Inexpensive and effective Bliss Lid+Lash is an amazing product – especially if you wear lenses like I do. It’s a fluid gel which dissolves really quickly but never runs into your eyes. It also has a lovely cool feel so eyes never get inflamed and it actually reduces puffiness.
Step 2: Exfoliate
If you want younger looking skin you have to exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells. The skin sheds dead cells all the time – more as we age – and dead skin cells lie on the surface and block moisture from being absorbed into the skin,
The good news is you don’t need to do this every day – 2 or 3 times a week is enough – and there are some wonderful products around now which get rid of those dead cells with very little fuss and bother.
For a twice weekly salon treatment at home try Philosophy’s best selling Microdelivery Peel Kit – radiantly clean and glowing skin without the salon price.
If you want to slough off your dead skin cells every day try a face polish. Boots (of Boots No7 fame) do a lovely botanical range based on high levels of natural ingredients. Boots Botanicals Organic Smoothing Face Polish is superb – moisturizing and polishing in one go it leaves skin glowing and silky smooth.
For a really self indulgent exfoliating treatment which leaves your skin truly radiant try Susan Sarandon’s favorite beauty product: Tracie Martyn’s Enzyme Exfoliant. Expensive but you only need to use it once a week or so.
Step 3: Tone
Applying toner to your skin was once considered an essential part of your anti aging regimen.
Toners tighten and close the pores so are best suited to skin with plenty of sebum to prevent excess oil. As we get older skin care experts are telling us we may not need a toner at all – especially if skin is dry and fragile. If you want to stick with the toning step – take care over your choice – anything too harsh (alcohol based) will strip skin of moisture and make lines and wrinkles more likely.
Go for a gentle anti aging toner like Murad Hydrating Toner which has a beautiful feel on freshly cleansed skin and is formulated with grapeseed extract, cucumber, vitamin E and vitamin C to protect mature and sensitive skin. Extremely well reviewed on all the skin care sites and forums.
Step 4: Moisturize
After cleansing, exfoliating and toning, apply a good anti aging moisturizer or hydrating cream to nourish and protect the skin. Moisturizing freshened, toned skin in the morning promotes hydration and gives you a great base for make up.
Last thing before you go to bed moisturizer enables the skin to feed and restore itself properly during the crucial night time hours. But you need to pick a good one.
Murad Hydro Dynamic Ultimate Moisture is an ultra rich – almost weightless cream – packed with high strength active ingredients to give long lasting hydration and protect the skin from free radical damage and stimulate collagen production. Highly recommended and it should last many months.
To keep your skin looking younger for longer you will also need a special eye cream – the skin around the eyes is thinner and more prone to wrinkles and damage. Take a look at my article on finding an eye cream that works for some tips and suggestions for the best eye creams around.
When you’ve finished moisturizing – that’s it you’re done. Once you get the routine down to a fine art then you might want to introduce an additional step – just after cleansing and before your moisturizer – apply an anti aging serum to stimulate collagen and boost radiance.
It sounds a lot when you read it but do it regularly and the whole process can be completed in around ten minutes. And when you see your younger looking skin emerging after a few weeks of tender loving care – you’ll be so glad you bothered!

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Best neck creams

If you’re using your normal face cream on your neck you might need to think again.
Necks are different – they have thinner skin and less fat. As a result your neck is likely to age quicker than any just about anywhere else on your body and face - apart from the under eye area.
Your normal face moisturizer or hydrating cream may be too heavy for the more delicate skin on your neck. You need anti aging skin care that targets your neck area and not all your favorite brands make them – despite the number of women desperate to do something about the tell tale neck ines that spoil their looks.
Neck cream reviews on skin care sites can be mixed and some products just don’t seem to be worth the money.
I’ve gone for top skin care lines with targeted products that get good reviews from users. Based on that – here’s three of the best neck creams to lift skin tone and reduce those neck wrinkles.
1. Pevonia Restore Neck and Bust Cream Swiss company Pevonia is world famous for its highly effective skin care based on natural active ingredients. This cream targets loss of tone and saggy skin in the neck and bust area using caffeine as a stimulating and firming ingredient. Improves the skin’s natural production of elastin. For best possible results use with the partner product Pevonia Restore Neck and Bust Concentrate which is described as “liquid therapy for your neck” by one satisfied customer.
2. Borba Neck and Decollete Cream Borba is a skin care line that has had a lot of great reviews recently. This powerful formulation for the neck and bust is based on acai, pomegranate, green tea and soy at high levels to provide maximum antioxidant protection from skin aging. This amazing cream also has hydrolyzed spandex fibers – which act like real spandex and support skin elasticity. Diamond powder reflects light to reduce the appearance of imperfections.
3. Dr Brandt Time Arrest V-Zone Neck a firming neck and decollete treatment. Glycolic acid helps to erase the signs of sun damage and shea butter provides ultimate moisturizing. The cream promises a younger looking neck and bust area with a more even and radiant skin tone. Dr Brandt is a highly respected dermatologist line that usually delivers on its promises. Judging by the reviews online this product is one of the best neck creams around.
If you haven’t used a special neck cream before – any of these excellent products will give you a marked improvement in skin tone and elasticity. Buying a neck cream isn’t an extravagance – you will save by not using so much of your normal anti aging moisturizer if you’ve been applying it to your neck.
The neck is such a visible sign of aging skin – it needs special anti aging treatment. Of the three recommended here – I have used Pevonia products in the past and can vouch for their effectiveness and a top product like the Dr Brandt cream is not going to let you down.
Overall – although it’s a difficult choice

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Foods for Healthy Skin by Susan Evans, MD

You've heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” This is even more true when it comes to the condition of your skin. When you eat badly, your skin is one of the first places it will be noticed. Your skin relies on you to provide the necessary building blocks for proper collagen production, wrinkle prevention, moisture, and a healthy glow.

What Can Food Do For Me?
The foods that you eat are the very foundation for the health of your skin, giving it the necessary nutrients to fight both disease and the signs of aging. Stress, a diet of processed foods and the consumption of nutrient-poor foods will promote disease and physical signs of aging. By eating the right foods, you'll look and feel younger than you ever believed you could.

Feed Your Skin
By eating the proper foods you can almost guarantee that your skin will be plump, youthful, and glowing. A recent study done in the UK demonstrated just how much our diets influence and change our appearance. Those who ate from a nutrient-poor diet containing bad fats and processed carbohydrates had more pronounced wrinkles in their skin and experienced both a lack of luster and suppleness. Those who ate a richer diet, especially in vitamin C, were shown to have radiant skin and the appearance of their wrinkles was significantly reduced.

Veggies are full of nutrients like antioxidants, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids and much more. The less you do to a vegetable, the more nutrients you'll ingest. Stack the cards in your favor by eating dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, which has been touted to make old skin grow again like new. The deeper the color of the vegetable, the more nutrients you'll get.

Eat your beans. These have been called the “magical fruit” and indeed they are. All sorts of beans provide fiber, magnesium and protein. The nutrients in all variety of beans help neutralize the damaging compounds that harm your skin and prevent skin damage and signs of aging.

These are the antioxidant powerhouses! Blueberries, blackberries, and watermelon are excellent choices, very rich in vitamin C. Papaya with its papain enzyme is an excellent skin smoother, both included in your diet and as an ingredient in skin products. Cherries, dates, mangos, acai, pumpkin, and pomegranates will feed and nourish your skin in ways you never imagined. By adding extra fruit to your diet you're essentially saying goodbye to those wrinkles. Again, be sure to eat fruit that is as deeply colored as you possibly can.

Adding fish to your diet benefits your skin in that fish is a good source of two important types of fat, DHA and EPA. These are good fats that are very important to the health of your cell membranes.

Olive Oil
There has been a study that suggests that when older people replace bad fats such as butter and margarine with olive oil, their skin shows fewer wrinkles.

I know that this article is more about what you should do for your skin, but talking about sugar is important. Avoid it at all costs. Sugar and its associated highly processed foods increases the tendency of your skin to wrinkle as they form compounds that prevent your collagen from working correctly by keeping your skin smooth and firm. Whenever you have the choice, choose fruit in its natural form to satisfy that sweet tooth.

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3 Lab Super Eye Treatment Review

I sampled this for a week- i got a pretty big sample at Barneys ( I didn't want to like at $260 but the SA was saying "you have to trust me- this blow Shiseido Benefiance Concentrated Anti-wrinkle eye cream out of the water").
Here's my take: It's MUCH different than Shiseido. It's not as emollient, but it's thick, rich and crazy hydrating. It also gives an immediate lifting effect which Shiseido does not do for me. Additionally the fine lines directly under my eyes are softened quite a bit, much moreso than ive seen using Shiseido since ive been 22 (im 37 now).
Maybe i just needed to switch it up, who knows but this stuff works.
my makeup goes on over this very smoothly and i dont see any pilling of the product like you might with Dr Brandt Depuffing roller (which works amazingly but it always pills off my skin).
I use this during the day and the Shiseido Benefiance Concentrated Anti-wrinkle eye cream at night b/c i wake up with fresh eyes every morning.
3Lab is not a largely distributed brand (sold in Barneys) compared to, La Mer, Revive, etc) definitely worth a try if you are struggling with major hydration. This is the HG of eye creams.

Powerful Skin Repair Cream